Friday, January 9, 2009

I been turning and there is lots more to learn!

Here are couple of pens which I turned recently. The top one is from the wood in my previous post. It comes from China and is light colored with some grey coloring here and there. Quite nice in reality.
Number 2 is from curly makore (Windsor Plywood). It turns very nicely but the light areas tend to be softer and sand out quickly to leave a ribbed effect.

The next picture is an East Indian Rosewood. A very dark wood with nice deep coloring and darker veins.

These are caragana which I cut up in November. It is mostly dry already so I turned 2 pens to try it out. The first pen is nice except that the centre wood was very punky and did not finish smoothly. There is likely an answer to this but practice is likely the first. These look pretty good so I will try a couple of slimlines and either another European or Streamline. There are more pieces to cut up as well as a piece of Siberian Crabapple.

Caragana #1


The pen on the right is the last one in caragana and the final picture is a group shot.

There is a lot to learn and practice to get a real good job and I hope over the next few weeks I can make some better quality turnings. Christmas did present a number of new pieces of wood to work with as well as a few pieces from William Wood-Write.