Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New works

Well sometimes you need to turn to strange sources for pen turning wood. I found these tree staking packages at the Princess Auto store locally.

Each kit has 3 wood stakes about 14 inches long and they looked like interesting wood so for $3.95 a package I bought 5. They are made in China so no identification of the wood but the first pen I made looks like oak to me. The picture is of the Streamline Chrome I made from this wood and the "Cigar" pen is one my son made out of deer antler. We need to make some kind of picture box to get a better shot.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Quiet days

Well things have been very quiet as far as pen turning goes but I bought a Twist Cigar kit from Lee Valley today which will make 2 pens. Just need to settle on the wood. Maybe Monday I can do a couple if it is cold; otherwise it is clean up the yard for winter.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

In the beginning

Working at Lee Valley Tools gives one access to new horizons and one of those horizons is the seminars they offer to customers and staff. This late summer I took a class in pen turning and really enjoyed the learning experience.

So we have bought a General "Maxi- lathe" Model 25-100M1 off of the Calgary website of It came with a small set of lathe tools and a few other items. Other tools and supplies have been added since to collect dust, store supplies, finish and store.

The first three pens are done and there will be pictures soon. That does not mean the first three were successful in all ways but they are finished!